The easiest way is to use specialized package (like Date::Calc).
If You need standalone function, the following method could be used.
$year=$ARGV[ 0 ];
$isJulian=(defined($ARGV[ 1 ]) && $ARGV[ 1 ] eq 'julian');
$isOrthodox=(defined($ARGV[ 1 ]) && $ARGV[ 1 ] eq 'orthodox');
my ( $G , $C , $H, $I, $J , $L );
$G = $year % 19 ;
if ( $isJulian || $isOrthodox ) {
print ( $isJulian ? "Julian:" : "Orthodox:" );
$I = ( 19*$G + 15) % 30 ;
$J = ( $year + int($year/4) + $I) % 7 ;
print "Gregorian:" ;
$C = int( $year/100 );
$H = ($C - int($C/4) - int((8*$C+13)/25) + 19*$G + 15) % 30 ;
$I = $H - int($H/28)*(1 - int($H/28)*int(29/($H + 1))*int((21 - $G)/11)) ;
$J = ($year + int($year/4) + $I + 2 - $C + int($C/4) ) % 7 ;
$L = $I - $J ;
$EasterMonth = 3 + int(($L + 40)/44) ;
$EasterDay = $L + 28 - 31*int($EasterMonth/4) ;
if ( $isOrthodox ) {
( $EasterDay, $EasterMonth, $year ) = EasterOrthodox( $EasterDay, $EasterMonth, $year )
printf("Day=%d Mon=%d Year=%d \n", $EasterDay, $EasterMonth, $year );
sub EasterOrthodox
my ($pDay, $pMonth, $pYear) = @_ ;
my ( $extra , $tmp ) = ( 0, 0 );
my ( $rezDay, $rezMonth) = ( 0, 0 );
if (($pYear > 1582) && ($pYear <= 4099)) {
$extra = 10;
if ($pYear > 1600) {
$tmp = int($pYear/100) - 16;
$extra = $extra + $tmp - int($tmp/4);
$rezDay = $pDay + $extra;
$rezMonth = $pMonth;
if (($rezMonth == 3) && ($rezDay > 31)) {
$rezMonth = 4;
$rezDay = $rezDay - 31;
if (($rezMonth == 4) && ($rezDay > 30)) {
$rezMonth = 5;
$rezDay = $rezDay - 30;
return ( $rezDay, $rezMonth, $pYear )
perl -w 2006
perl -w 2006 orthodox