Print the PATH directories in the readable format

echo $PATH| awk -v RS=":" '{ print $0 }'

echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH |awk -v RS=":" '{ system ( "ls -rltd " $0 ) }'

As far as the option ‘-v’ is used, the new awk(nawk in some systems) should be used.

To check if the new version of awk is installed:

awk 1 /dev/null

The output will be empty for new awk.
You have the old awk, if the output is something like

awk: syntax error near line 1

In this case nawk should be used instead awk

MS-DOS modification: echo %PATH% | awk -v RS=”;” “{ print $0 }”

Sybase sp_freedevice procedure

Only the short info about Sybase database devices.
min_space – minimum of required space (i.e. 40 will display the devices with >=40M free space)
the_name – the template for the device name (i.e. %mast% will display only master device)

Warning! It was not tested for all possible configurations, so the result could be incorrect on some OS.

create procedure sp_freedevice
@min_space int = null,
@the_name varchar(40) = null

declare @numpgsmb integer /* Number of 'virtual' Pages per Megabytes */
select @numpgsmb = (1048576. / @@pagesize)

select "phyname"=convert(varchar(40), d.phyname),
"d_size"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb),
"d_used"=convert(varchar(6), sum(u.size / @numpgsmb)) ,
"d_free"=((1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb) - sum(u.size / @numpgsmb),
vdevno=d.low/power(2,24) & 255
into #free_device_all_tbl
from master..sysusages u, master..sysdevices d
where u.vstart between d.low and d.high
and d.status & 2 = 2
group by

vdevno=low/power(2,24) & 255,
"Physical Name"=convert(varchar(40), d.phyname),
"Device Name"=convert(varchar(28),,
"Size"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb),
"Free"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb)
from master..sysdevices d
where not in (select from #free_device_all_tbl tmp)
and d.status & 2 = 2
and ( @min_space is null or ((1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb) >= @min_space )
and ( @the_name is null or d.phyname like @the_name or like @the_name)
select vdevno , phyname , name , d_size , d_used , convert(varchar(6), d_free)
from #free_device_all_tbl
where ( @min_space is null or d_free >= @min_space )
and ( @the_name is null or phyname like @the_name or name like @the_name)
order by 1


Rev function and comma-separated output

Here is the shell command snippet to display comma-separated output:

ls -lrt | rev | sed 's/\\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)/\\1,/g' | rev | sed 's/\\([\^0-9]\\),\\([0-9]\\)/\\1\\2/g;s/\^,\\([0-9]\\)/\\1/g'
-rw-r—– 1 sybase dba 1,572,872,192 Feb 2 07:09 master.dbf

Rev in awk

nawk '{ l=length($0) ; for(i=l;i>0;i--) { printf "%s", substr($0,i,1) } ; print "" }'

Rev function (absent on SunOS) :

(Warning! Avoid spaces before #define – SunOS cc compiler doesn’t like them)

#include <stdio.h>
#ident "@(#)rev 1.0 02/01/2006"
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 2000char version[] = "rev v1.0 02/01/2006";

int argc;
char *argv[];
char my_src[MAX_STRING_SIZE] ;
char my_dst[MAX_STRING_SIZE] ;
char *retCode ;

char *tmp_s ;
int i;

char *filename;
FILE *fSource ;

/* check command line arguments */
if (argc > 1) {
if( argv[1][0]=='-' || argv[1][0]=='/' ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [file] \n", argv[0]);
filename=argv[1] ;
fSource = fopen( filename, "r" ) ;
if ( fSource == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s for reading\n", filename );
} else {
/* Using the standard input */
fSource=stdin ;
} /* if (argc > 1) */

while( (retCode = fgets( my_src, MAX_STRING_SIZE, fSource ) )!=NULL ) {


for( i=0 ; i < MAX_STRING_SIZE && my_src[ i ] != 0 ; i++ ) {
if( my_src[ i ] == '\n' ) {
continue ;
*tmp_s=my_src[ i ];

fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", tmp_s);

fclose( fSource ) ;

fflush( stdout );

} /* main */