Get the value:
ACCEPT my_password CHAR PROMPT 'Password: ' HIDE
ACCEPT birthday DATE FORMAT 'dd/mm/yyyy' DEFAULT '01/01/1950' PROMPT 'Enter birthday date: '
Declaring the variable
DEFINE the_answer = 42
Undefine the variable
UNDEFINE the_answer
How to remember the result of the query
column the_date new_value the_rundate noprint;
select to_char(sysdate, 'DDMMYYYY_HH24MI') the_date from dual;
select '&the_rundate' from dual ;
Save the variables to the file
store set myvars.txt create
store set myvars.txt replace
store set myvars.txt append
Assign several values to the variable
DEFINE my_list = " 'the Life', 'the Universe', 'and Everything'"
select *
from Book
where answer in ( &my_list );